Thursday, May 13, 2010

Veggies, veggies, everywhere.

I thought I would share with you some photos of some amazing vegetable gardens I have visited this week.

The first is that of my Father-in-Laws. He has had this veggie garden since my husband can remember. My FIL works in his veggie garden daily and is more than willing to share his produce with family and friends.

The next is my Grandfather's vegetable patch. He has only had this up and running for a year now, but as you can see he is enjoying great success! The veggie patch greets me when I arrive at their gate, and it takes all my will power not to pick a broccoli or two before I reach their door!

And now on to my vegetable garden! I have been away from home for the past three days, only arriving back this evening. Happy to report my darling husband has kept up my watering regime and everything looks like it is doing well!

One last little thing...
So I have been growing these snow pea plants for the past few months. I kind of underestimated how tall they actually grow (sounds silly but I bought the plants from a market and they did not have an info tag... naive I know). Anyhow, once they totally overgrew their trellis I decided the only thing to do with this monster bush was tie it up on a hook sticking out of our brick wall (this is growing on our balcony 3 stories up remember) and I was so embarrassed - I thought it was going to die!

But LOOK! Can you see the little snow pea pods! It actually produced after all...

Sam xox

P.S Anyone want to have some of my seedlings I am raising?


  1. Your veggies are coming along nicely, soon you will be eating the rewards of all your work. All the things that you are learning now will hopefully pay off in the future when you will have a bigger veggie patch.
    If you want to send me some seedlings I can put them in my greenhouse, until all danger of frost is over, which should be the end of the month.

  2. Isn't gardening fun? Ron wants to rototill the garden again before I plant, but I have the plants sitting on my step, ready to go. The seeds are in the garage waiting. There is a deep satisfaction in growing your own vegetables, at least to me.

  3. Looks like your veggies are doing well, won't be long now and you will be putting them on the table. I can't wait to get mine planted as soon as the weather straightens out here.
